Monday, October 23, 2006


Photo: Mendhi- symbolism? (October 2005)

This is ridiculous. And terrifying. Public surveillance policies are being pushed through in the US and UK.

Surveillance came in the form of intimidation by the US coast guard towards a NYC student wearing a shirt that said "We Will Not Be Silent" in English and Arabic script.

While the Coast Guard is an official state body, 'informal' monitoring was conducted by employees of JetBlue, a US airline, who
prevented Raed Jarrar from boarding his flight wearing the same tshirt. You can read the transcripts and/or watch the video in which Amy Goodman (Democracy Now anchor) interviews both the student and Raed Jarrar: Does Tee Stand For Terrorist?

In the UK, the Guardian reports that universities are being asked to report on any 'suspicious' activities by any people who might be "Asian-looking". Read the article here "Universities Urged to Spy on Muslims".

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