OMG!! I'm done my thesis!
I defended and handed my final document into the library! I'm done, done, done! I am now a Master!! er... of Arts. Actually, I prefer Master of the Universe.
This photo was taken by Carmen who celebrated her birthday by riding a mechanical bull! Happy Birthday Carmen!
That's Eron and I not riding the mechanical bull in Downtown Vancouver. It was November 26th, 2006.
Now I will have no excuse not to blog more regularly :)
if you have no more excuses then where are all the new posts?;)
thanks for being a part of my multi-day birthday celebrations Sarah. It wouldn't have been the same without you! :)
oh yeah -congratulations on getting The MA Beast done! what an amazing accomplishment!
That's amazing! How should we refer to you now, or is 'Master of the Universe' OK for everyday use?
I just started my second term of an MA in Renaissance Studies - history of magic, science and religion this year, should be very cool. Also, got a new job (just part time and voluntary but I think I want to do it for the rest of my life, so anything goes) - as an educational support teaching assistant for secondary school kids who don't speak english as their first language. It's all very local too, which is ace.
erm... Hattie is fine so don't stress, but she made xmas v intersting by having another mountain climbing accident, so we spent it in hospital in Inverness :-D Go Sister! She bruised her brain, but the docs said we woudn't notice any difference haha. She is seriously OK though, and has just gone to France with her wonderful boyfriend.
Whoa, this should have been an email! But I wanted to say The Blind Assassin is my favourite Margaret Atwood ever, and hooray for her.
OK, going to ixnay this comment. HOpe life is good! What you up to these days?
Zoe x
Hey thanks Carmen and Zoe! i need a good kick in the ass!!
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